Free Hosting is sometimes a great way to go when you want to put up a website. Its great when you don't have a credit card to arrange the hosting and domain name. Also if it's your first website, a personal page or many other factors you may choose to go the free hosting route. In order to have a good website though, there are some things you need to be aware of and look for in a free host provider. They are:
1. Trustability
For the first reason, I'm inventing my own word! Trust in the provider is very important though because your privacy is of importance to you. The last thing you want is to have all your information sold to mortgage companies or something.
2. Storage
This one is important. Storage is important, especially if you want images on your free website. Many free hosting services are free for the first 10mb and then start billing you in order to get more storage. Find a host that has at least 50mb of storage so that you don't risk running out
3. Bandwidth
This is where lots of free hosts fall down. They only offer small amounts of bandwidth, and then once you reach it, they suspend your account. If this happens, often you need to pay for more bandwidth, or wait until the month is out in order to get your account functioning again. If this happens in some cases you can email them and ask for more and they might grant you some more, but is it worth the risk of website downtime?
4. Ads
It's a free service and the provider needs to make the income to pay the servers and maintenance somehow, so ads are expected. Lots of free hosts though go overboard with Popups and float-ins, as well as banner ads and plenty more. Try and find a free hosting provider that has non obtrusive advertising (NO Popups, visitors hate that!)
5. Functionality and Uptime
Without user-friendly functionality, you could struggle to get your pages looking the way you want them to look. Try and find a service provider that offers easy editing and also has safe, reliable servers and maintenance, otherwise you may risk your website being up and down throughout the day!
In conclusion, you need to find a safe host that provides you with plenty of storage and no over the top advertising. This way you are ensured to have a pleasant experience hosting your free website. Why not try They offer lots of storage, Massive Bandwidth, great security and have their own servers and maintenance guys! Hope that this article was helpful and enabled you to make a more informed choice.
Monday, June 05, 2006
5 Steps To Choose A Great Free Hosting Service
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6:39 PM
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Finding the right cheap domain web hosting
Finding the right cheap domain web hosting
All of us want to find the right cheap hosting provider. Unfortunately, finding a professional and cheap domain web hosting service can be harder than you think. The most common problem with cheap domain web hosting providers is that, despite the fact that they offer really cheap services, they usually don’t care too much for their clients. So buying cheap services can bring you more problems than benefits.
Be patient and make a great choice
Don’t let yourself tricked by the first offer you will have. In case you are a novice in this area, it is recommended to ask for someone’s help. It takes a certain level of web hosting knowledge to find the best cheap domain web hosting services. With some proper homework you will find yourself paying less that $10 for good services that will satisfy all your needs. So, try to be patient, and the positive results will definitely come.
Another solution is the shared web domain hosting. The problem with this option is that a server could crash because of another web site, and you can loose important amounts of money. And in most of the cases, the provider will find cheap excuses and will do poor efforts in solving the problem
Make sure cheap also brings quality
There are hundreds of hosting companies and their fees vary considerably. Before you choose the domain web hosting provider, make sure that the provider includes all the services in that price. So, ask your provider how much traffic you will get, what keywords will need to be used to get to your personal web site or how many visitors you will be able to host per month. Also, know that 5GB of disk space, 75GB of bandwidth and the Cpanel will be more than enough for every web site. If cheap domain web hosting services will provide you all these facilities, you can be sure you made the right decision.
But all these depend on what type of web site you are about to launch. For example, a large professional e-commerce site will need more bandwidth or disk space. On the other hand, if you have just a small personal site and you have no intention on selling things on your site, cheap domain web hosting will probably ensure enough technical support for your needs.
Therefore, we can say that the most important criteria when choosing cheap domain web hosting services is the type of your web site. Do not hurry to make a bad choice before you get all the information you need. And, in case you have made the wrong decision this will all help you in the future, when you will have to make another choice. Good luck!
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10:45 AM